Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Man page of Fx_Entry


Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 6 Jun 2018
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Fx_Entry - Bind a Tk label or widget to a Qddb attribute  


Fx_Entry itcl_instancename -w window -attr attrname ?options?



Fx_Entry binds a Tk label/entry pair (with Add/View/Del buttons if the attribute is expandable) to a Qddb attribute. You must specify the -w and -attr options for each Fx_Entry instance.



-setschema schema_desc
Sets the schema descriptor (returned by qddb_schema open) to schema_desc for all subsequent calls to Fx_Entry and Fx_Frame. Should be used on the first call to Fx_Entry. You need only specify -setschema once.

-searchfor_entry entry_path
Specifies the Tk widget path for the "Search for:" entry. Usually, this is the result of a call to the Fx_Menubar instance's SearchForEntry method. This is mandatory before searching.

-w frame_path
Use the Tk window path frame_path when creating the frame for the entry and its buttons/label. This is mandatory.

-attr attr
Declares this instance to refer to the Qddb attribute attr in the current view. This is mandatory.

-beforeadd list
Evaluate the Tcl list list before adding a new instance.

-beforechange list
Evaluate the Tcl list list before viewing a instance.

-beforedelete list
Evaluate the Tcl list list before deleting a instance.

-afteradd list
Evaluate the Tcl list list after adding a new instance.

-afterchange list
Evaluate the Tcl list list after viewing a instance.

-afterdelete list
Evaluate the Tcl list list after deleting a instance.

-addtoend 0|1
Add new instances to the end of the instance pool for this attribute. Defaults to 1.

-copy_instances 0|1
When a new instance is added, copy the value from the instance in the current view.

-showbutton_add 0|1
If 0, do not show the add button if the attribute is expandable; otherwise, show the add button. The default is 1.

-showbutton_view 0|1
If 0, do not show the view button if the attribute is expandable; otherwise, show the view button. The default is 1.

-showbutton_del 0|1
If 0, do not show the del button if the attribute is expandable; otherwise, show the del button. The default is 1.

-button_add text|bitmap
If the first character in the value is '@', then Fx assumes it is a bitmap and the following characters specify the path to the bitmap file. Otherwise, it is assumed to be text. The default is Add.

-button_view text|bitmap
If the first character in the value is '@', then Fx assumes it is a bitmap and the following characters specify the path to the bitmap file. Otherwise, it is assumed to be text. The default is View.

-button_del text|bitmap
If the first character in the value is '@', then Fx assumes it is a bitmap and the following characters specify the path to the bitmap file. Otherwise, it is assumed to be text. The default is Del.

-side top|bottom|left|right
Declares the side to pack the entry's label.

-padx padding
Declare the horizontal padding for the frame specified with -w.

-pady padding
Declare the vertical padding for the frame specified with -w.

-anchor e|w|s|n|ne|se|sw|nw
Specifies the anchoring for the frame containing the label and buttons.

-relief sunken|raised|flat|groove
Specifies the relief of the frame specified by -w

-bd borderwidth
Specifies the border width of the frame specified by -w.

-entryfg color
Overrides the Entry standard foreground.

-labelfg color
Overrides the default Fx label color (blue).

-type Entry|Text|Radiobutton
Specifies the type of Tk widget to use for the entry.

-height num
Specifies the height for the entry (only valid for -type Text).

-width num
Specifies the width for the entry (only valid for -type Entry|Text).

-default_values list
Specifies a Tcl list of values to use iff the type of the entry is Radiobutton.

-read_only 0|1
If 1, the entry will be disabled in all modes except Search Mode.

-mandatory 0|1
If 1, the entry will be mandatory and Fx will not allow the user to add/view/del instances or save the record unless the entry is populated.

-unique 0|1
If 1, the entry must have a unique value; otherwise, the entry need not have a unique value. You should take extra care when using this option. Uniqueness is checked with qddb_search $schema word, so you must make sure that the attribute's separator option is properly set in the Schema file.

-regexp_search 0|1
Allow regular expression searching if 1, disallow otherwise.

-range_search 0|1
Allow range searching if 1, disallow otherwise.

-numeric_search 0|1
Allow numeric searching if 1, disallow otherwise.

-date_search 0|1
Allow date searching if 1, disallow otherwise. Attribute must be of type date.

-userconfig 0|1
If 1, the user will be allowed to modify the entry's form (height, width, type, mandatory, read-only).



The options -button_{add,view,del}, -{before,after}{add,change,delete} and -addtoend are only valid for expandable attributes. The -height, -width, -type and -default_values may be set at run time by clicking <Control-Button-3> over the label associated with the entry.



configure options
Reconfigure the instance with the specified options.

Add an instance to the attribute associated with this Fx_Entry.

Delete the instance of the attribute associated with this Fx_Entry in the current view.

View the instance of the attribute associated with this Fx_entry in the current view.



Returns all instances of Fx_Entry.

AfterReconfigure list
Evaluate list after reconfiguring any Fx_Entry. Mostly used for resizing a canvas in scrollable applications.

ScrollbarSide left|right
Set the default side for a Text entry's scrollbar.

TupleChanged ?0|1?
If no argument is given, TupleChanged returns the whether the current tuple has been modified. If an argument is given, TupleChanged sets whether the current tuple has been modified.



Each Fx_Entry instance contains the main frame specified with -w (say .f), a subframe called f_0 (.f.f_0), a label l (.f.f_0.l), and three buttons b_add, b_view, and b_del (.f.f_0.b_add, etc.) iff the associated attribute is expandable. Text and Entry types are named e (.f.e); Radiobuttons are placed in a frame e.t (.f.e.t) and are called .e.t.rX where X is an integer beginning with 0. .f.e is a frame, and .f.e.t is a text widget if the height is greater than one. If you have multiple lines of radiobuttons, then there is also a scrollbar .f.e.s. You can re-pack these Tk widgets any way you please after calling Fx_Entry.



Clicking <Control-Button-3> over the Fx_Entry's label will bring up a dialog for entering the -type, -mandatory, -read-only, -width, -height, and -default_values options.



You must specify --with-itcl when configuring Qddb to install the Fx toolkit. Fx depends on [Incr Tcl]. The busy cursor depends on --with-blt.



Fx_Menubar(n), Fx_Frame(n), Fx_Print(n), Fx_QddbSearchParser(n), Fx(n)  


A Guide to QDDB
Eric H. Herrin II and Raphael A. Finkel

Qddb User's Guide

An ASCII Database for Fast Queries of Relatively Stable Data
Eric H. Herrin II and Raphael A. Finkel
Computing Systems, Volume 4 Number 2
University of California Press, Berkeley CA

Schema and Tuple Trees: An Intuitive Structure for 
Representing Relational Data
Eric H. Herrin, II and Raphael A. Finkel
Computing Systems, Volume 9, Number 2
MIT Press, Cambridge MA

TCL and the TK Toolkit 
John K. Ousterhout
Addison-Wesley, 1994
ISBN 0-201-63337-X




None known.




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Time: 18:55:30 GMT, October 31, 2018