Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Man page of qddb_table


Section: Herrin Software Development, Inc. (1)
Updated: 21 Oct 2000
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qddb_table - Generic table abstraction  


qddb_table define <rows> <columns> ?-variable <variable>? \
    ?-order row|column? ?-autoeval on|off? \
    ?-name <table name>? ?-title <title>? ?-comment <comment>?
qddb_table delete <table_desc>|all
qddb_table clear <table_desc>
qddb_table copy <table_desc>
qddb_table expr <expression>
qddb_table expr_ok <expression>
qddb_table eval <table_desc>
qddb_table getval <table_desc> ?-format list|text|rows? \
    ?-rowtitles on|off? ?-coltitles on|off?
qddb_table setval <table_desc> <list>
qddb_table cget <table_desc> ?options?
qddb_table configure <table_desc> <option> <value>
qddb_table sort <table_desc> ?-start <row name>? ?-end <row name>? \
    ?-ascending <column list>? ?-sortby <column list>?
qddb_table summary <table_desc> <x_col> <y_col> <range> <format> <function>
Available table options:
    -order, -autoeval, -name, -title, -comment, -variable

qddb_table row insert <table_desc> ?-before <row name>? ?-numrows number?
qddb_table row delete <table_desc> <row name>
qddb_table row clear <table_desc> <row name>
qddb_table row copy <table_desc> <from> <to>
qddb_table row eval <table_desc> <row name>
qddb_table row maxnum <table_desc>
qddb_table row getval <table_desc> <row name>
qddb_table row setval <table_desc> <row name> <value list>
qddb_table row cget <table_desc> <row name> ?<option> <value>?
qddb_table row configure <table_desc> ?<option> <value>?
Available row options:
    -comment, -title, -name, -variable

qddb_table col insert <table_desc> ?-before <col name>? ?-numcols number?
qddb_table col delete <table_desc> <col name>
qddb_table col clear <table_desc> <col name>
qddb_table col copy <table_desc> <from> <to>
qddb_table col eval <table_desc> <col name>
qddb_table col maxnum <table_desc>
qddb_table col getval <table_desc> <col name>
qddb_table col setval <table_desc> <col name> <value list>
qddb_table col cget <table_desc> <col name> <option>
qddb_table col configure <table_desc> <col name> ?<option> <value>?
Available col options:
    -comment, -title, -name, -variable, -type, -calc,
    -justify, -width, -precision, -separator

qddb_table cell clear <table_desc> <row name> <col name>
qddb_table cell copy <table_desc> <from row> <from col> <to row> <to col>
qddb_table cell eval <table_desc> <row name> <col name>
qddb_table cell getval <table_desc> <row name> <col name>
qddb_table cell setval <table_desc> <row name> <col name> <value>
qddb_table cell cget <table_desc> <row name> <col name> <option>
qddb_table cell configure <table_desc> <row name> <col name> \
    ?<option> <value>? \
Available cell options:
    -comment, -title, -name, -variable, -type, -calc,
    -justify, -width, -precision, -separator



qddb_table provides a table abstraction useful for building reports and spreadsheets. The qddb_table command manipulates tables produced by the qddb_rows command, or with qddb_table define.

Note that qddb_table uses rows and columns beginning with 1.

qddb_table define
defines a new table and sets up the initial state of the table. All options provided in a qddb_table define command can be changed later with qddb_table configure, qddb_table row insert|delete and qddb_table col insert|delete.

qddb_table delete
deletes the given table from memory. Tables produced with qddb_rows may need to be processed to delete tuple and row descriptors before deleting the table.

qddb_table clear
clears all contents from the table, leaving the number of rows and columns intact. All options and values are cleared and reset to the defaults.

qddb_table copy
returns a new table descriptor referencing a copy of the given table. All settings, values, comments, etc. are copied.

qddb_table eval
recalculates all calculated cells in the given table. The calculations are performed in either row or column order, depending on the setting of the table's -order option. If -autoeval is on, this command usually has no effect.

qddb_table expr
evaluates an arbitrary expression with no implicit table or cell association. All range functions must provide an explicit table reference.

qddb_table expr_ok
checks the syntax of the given expression without concern for whether the expression can be properly evaluated on any given table.

qddb_table getval
returns the contents of the table in one of several formats. In each format, the user can select to display row and/or column titles. If row and column titles are not set, the number of the row or column is shown. The available formats are:

    list - an unformatted list of rows; each row is a list
           of cell values
    text - a formatted string, suitable for printing
    rows - a list of formatted rows, suitable for displaying
           in a listbox

qddb_table setval
accepts a list of rows, where each row is a list of cell values. qddb_table setval sets the given table to contain those values. The number of elements in the list must equal the number of rows in the table. Each element in the list must be a list where the number of elements equals the number of columns in the table, and the type of each element must correspond to the type of the column. For example, a 3x3 table of column types

    real string real

requires an argument similar to the following:

        {3.0  {hello world}       211.00}
        {2.01 {some string}       121.00}
        {1.0  {some third string} 1.212}

qddb_table cget
retrieves the current value of the given option for the given table. The available options are:

    -variable - a variable name to use as for quick access 
                to cell values
    -name     - a symbolic name for the table; must be of 
                the form "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]*"
    -autoeval - whether autoevaluation is on or off
    -order    - the default re-calculation order used when 
                cell values change
    -title    - a symbolic title for the table
    -comment  - a general comment for the table

qddb_table configure
changes the value of the given option (see above) for the given table. Multiple options may be given in a single command.

qddb_table sort
sorts the table according to the -sortby and -ascending options. Column names provided with -sortby and -ascending may be given either their default numeric names (beginning with '1') or assigned symbolic names.

qddb_table summary
returns a new table suitable for building barcharts and graphs. The new table is a summary of each row in the given table. The format and range are on the <x_col>:

    Type         Range           Format
    --------     -------------   ---------------
    string       ignored         ignored
    date         sorting order   display format
    real         range           precision
    integer      range           ignored

The <function> is an operation of like values in the <x_col> (specified by the range) on the values in the <y_col>. <function> can be any one of avg, sum, stddev, min, max, count, or prod.



qddb_table row executes a secondary row command on the given table and row.

qddb_table row insert
appends one new row to the table by default. If the -before option is given, then the row is inserted before the given row. If the -numrows option is given, the given number of rows are inserted or appended to the table. The default number of rows is one.

qddb_table row delete
completely deletes the given row from the table.

qddb_table row clear
clears the given row values and options, leaving the row in place. All options and values are cleared and reset to the defaults.

qddb_table row copy
copies the given row and places the copy in the specified location. If the destination ('to') row exists, it is overwritten; if it doesn't exist, it is created. The source ('from') row must exist or an error is returned.

qddb_table row eval
recalculates all calculated cells in the given row. The calculations are performed from left to right, first column to last column.

qddb_table row maxnum
returns the number of rows in the given table.

qddb_table row getval
returns a list containing the cell values for the specified row.

qddb_table row setval
accepts a list containing the cell values for the specified row. The list must contain the same number of elements as the number of columns in the table.

qddb_table row cget
retrieves the current value of the given row option. Available row options are:

    -comment  - a general comment for the row
    -name     - a symbolic name for the row; must be of 
                the form "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]*"
    -title    - a title for the row
    -variable - an array variable that can be used for direct
                access to cell values in the row, using the
                column name as the index

qddb_table row configure
sets the row option to the given value. Multiple options may be given in a single command.



qddb_table col executes a secondary column command on a table.

qddb_table col insert
appends one new column to the table by default. If the -before option is given, then the column is inserted before the given column. If the -numcols option is given, the given number of columns are inserted or appended to the table. The default number of columns is one.         
qddb_table col delete
deletes the given column from the table.

qddb_table col clear
clears the given column of all values and options, leaving the column intact. All options and values are cleared and reset to the defaults.

qddb_table col copy
copies the given column and places the copy in the specified location. If the destination ('to') column exists, it is overwritten; if it doesn't exist, it is created. The source ('from') column must exist or an error is returned.

qddb_table col eval
recalculates all calculated cells in the given column. The calculations are performed from top to bottom, first row to last row.

qddb_table col maxnum
returns the number of columns in the given table.

qddb_table col getval
returns a list containing the unformatted cell values of the given column.

qddb_table col setval
accepts a list containing the cell values for the specified column. The list must contain the same number of elements as the number of columns in the table.

qddb_table col cget
retrieves the current value of the given row option. Available row options are:

    -comment   - a general comment for the column
    -name      - a symbolic name for the column; must be of 
                 the form "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]*"
    -title     - a title for the column
    -variable  - an array variable that can be used for direct
                 access to cell values in the column, using the
                 column name as the index
    -type      - the default type of the given column
                 (string, real, integer, date, or calc)
    -justify   - the default justification of the column for
                 output purposes; may be one of 'left', 'right'
                 'center', or 'none'.   The 'none' option provides
                 no padding between separators.
    -width     - the default width of the column for output
    -precision - the default precision (to the right of the
                 decimal) of the column if the column is of
                 type real
    -separator - the default separator to append to the column
                 for printing purposes (default: space)

qddb_table col configure
sets the value of the given option to the given value (see above). Multiple options may be given in a single command.



qddb_table cell executes a secondary cell command on a table.

qddb_table cell clear
clears the given cell of any options and values.

qddb_table cell copy
copies the given cell's values and options to the provided destination. Both source (from) and destination (to) cells must exist or an error is returned. The value of the name option is not copied.

qddb_table cell eval
recalculates the given calculated cell.

qddb_table cell getval
returns the unformatted value of the given cell.

qddb_table cell setval
sets the given cell to the specified value. The value should be of the appropriate type.

qddb_table cell cget
returns the current value of the specified option for the given cell. The available options are the same as those available for columns plus the following:

    -calc      - formula for calculating the field if the 
                 cell is type 'calc'; if the field is not type
                 'calc', an error is returned.

qddb_table cell configure
sets the value of the specified option to the given value. If the option is '-calc' and the type of the cell is not type 'calc', then the field is redefined as a calculated field and its value set to zero before evaluating the calculated expression.

Multiple options may be given in a single command.



qddb_table can bind Tcl variables to a table, row, column, or cell(s). When you specify a variable name for a table, the cells are available as variable(row,column):

    var(1,1) var(1,2) var(1,3)
    var(2,1) var(2,2) var(2,3)
    var(3,1) var(3,2) var(3,3)

Row and column variables are bound as one-dimensional arrays. Cell variables are scalar Tcl variables.

If a name has been associated with a row, column or cell, then the variable is available in several forms:


Row and column variables use their respective names in the one-dimensional array as well as numbers.



qddb_table provides calculated fields for spreadsheet-style operations. Calculated fields have the type calc and any value assigned to the field is automatically calculated based on the provided expression.

You can also evaluate arbitrary expressions that are not associated with a particular cell or table with qddb_table expr. You must provide an explicit table argument to any range functions (or to each range).

There are four types of subexpressions: numeric constants/expressions, ranges, range functions, and numeric functions. Ranges can only be used as arguments to a range function. Range functions take ranges as arguments and produce real numbers; numeric functions take numbers as arguments and produce real numbers.

All calculations and values are represented in double precision floating point.

Numeric expressions
may include any of the following operators and may be fully parenthesized. Precedence is the same as the C programming language.

   - + * / %

For example, the following are all valid numeric expressions:


A range can be any of the following


The optional tablename may be either the explicit name of a table, or the table descriptor returned by qddb_table define. Each range must have an associated table, either explicit or implicit. qddb_table expr has no implicit table, so all range functions (see below) or ranges must specify a table explicitly. When a range function has a table argument, all ranges used as arguments to that function have an implicit table. Implicit tables do not propagate to subexpressions used within arguments to range functions.

Row and column names may be used as arguments to ranges, as well as numeric expressions and the following constants: @thisrow, @thiscol, @maxrow, and @maxcol. The constants are evaluated in the current table context (that is, the calculated field's implicit table).

Each range produces a list of cells to be evaluated by a range function. @range produces a list of all cells in the rectangular region specified by the four numeric arguments (row,col:row,col). Ranges have no meaning by themselves and must be used as arguments to a range function. Cell and cell ranges (@range and @cell) may be abbreviated with just '@'.

Range functions
A range function accepts a list of ranges separated by commas and produces a numeric result. The result of a range function is a numeric value that can be used in any expression, or as the argument to a numeric function. All range functions have the form

    range_func(?tablename,? range1 ?, range2, ...?)

The range functions are:

    @sum        sum
    @prod       product 
    @avg        average (mean)
    @stddev     standard deviation
    @count      num of cells in range
    @min        minimum cell value
    @max        maximum cell value

Here is an example:

    set t [qddb_table define 10 10]
    set t2 [qddb_table define 10 10]
    # insert some values here
    set sum [qddb_table expr "
        @sum($t, # set up implicit table for ranges
            # now override implicit table $t with $t2
        ) * 42

Numeric functions
A numeric function accepts numeric values as arguments and produces a numeric result. No table context is required for numeric functions. The numeric functions accept any numeric expression as an argument.

    @cellval(?t,?e1,e2) cell value @(e1,e2) in table 't'
                        (equivalent to "@sum(?t,? @(e1,e2))")
    @sqrt(e)            square root of 'e'
    @exp(e)             exponential function of 'e'
    @ln(e)              natural log of 'e'
    @log(e)             log base 10 of 'e'
    @floor(e)           largest integer not greater than 'e'
    @ceil(e)            smallest integer not less than 'e'
    @rnd(e)             round 'e' to nearest integer
    @round(e,n)         round 'e' to 'n' decimal places
    @abs(e)             absolute value of 'e'
    @pow(e1,e2)         'e1' raised to the power of 'e2'
    @pi                 a constant close to pi
    @degrees(e)         convert 'e' radians to degrees
    @radians(e)         convert 'e' degrees to radians
    @sin(e)             sin of 'e'
    @cos(e)             cos of 'e'
    @tan(e)             tan of 'e'
    @asin(e)            asin of 'e'
    @acos(e)            acos of 'e'
    @atan(e)            atan of 'e'
    @atan2(e1,e2)       atan of e1/e2
    @hypot(e1,e2)       computes sqrt(e1*e1 + e2*e2) in 
                        such a way that underflow will 
                        not happen

Logical expressions
A logical expression performs various logical operations and returns the numeric value 1.0 if true, and 0.0 if false. Logical operations may be fully parenthesized.

    =       equal to
    <       less than
    <=      less than or equal to
    >       greater than
    >=      greater than or equal to
    !=      not equal to
    &       logical and
    |       logical or
    !       logical not (unary)

Logical expressions are used as the first argument to the @if function. If the logical expression is true, then @if evaluates to the second argument. If the logical expression is false, it evaluates to the third argument.


    set t [qddb_table define 10 10]
    set t2 [qddb_table define 10 10]
    # insert some values here
    set stddev [qddb_table expr "
        @stddev($t, @range(1,1:@maxrow,@maxcol))
    "] ;# standard deviation of all cells
    set num [qddb_table expr "
        (@if(@avg($t, @row(1)) < @avg($t2, @row(2)),
            @avg($t, @row(1)), @avg($t2, @row(2)))
        @if(@avg($t, @col(1)) < @avg($t2, @col(2)),
            @avg($t, @col(1)), @avg($t2, @col(2)))
        ) / 2



qddb_instance(n), qddb_keylist(n), qddb_rows(n), qddb_schema(n), qddb_search(n), qddb_tuple(n), qddb_view(n)  


A Guide to QDDB
Eric H. Herrin II and Raphael A. Finkel

Qddb User's Guide

An ASCII Database for Fast Queries of Relatively Stable Data
Eric H. Herrin II and Raphael A. Finkel
Computing Systems, Volume 4 Number 2
University of California Press, Berkeley CA

Schema and Tuple Trees: An Intuitive Structure for 
Representing Relational Data
Eric H. Herrin, II and Raphael A. Finkel
Computing Systems, Volume 9, Number 2
MIT Press, Cambridge MA

TCL and the TK Toolkit 
John K. Ousterhout
Addison-Wesley, 1994
ISBN 0-201-63337-X



Tables produced by qddb_rows(n) contain row and/or tuple descriptors in their row comment fields; these should be explicitly deleted from memory before deleting the table. Failure to do so will result in a memory leak.

When setting an expression for a calculated field containing a reference to a non-existent table, the calculation is delayed until the table exists.



Table names reside in a single namespace, that is, no two tables can have the same name. We will resolve this in the near future.




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