0.1 Copyright and Warranty
A Programmer's Guide to
A Programmer's Guide to
0.1 Copyright and Warranty
0.2 Acknowledgments
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Software structure
1.3 History
1.4 Feedback
2 Getting Started
3 Generic user interfaces
Text-based user interfaces
3.2 Graphical user interface:
3.2.1 Data entry
3.2.2 Adding new tuples
3.2.3 Simple searching
3.2.4 Expert search
3.2.5 Modifying a tuple
3.2.6 Configuration
4 Qddb files, structures and algorithms
4.1 The stable and the slippery
4.2 Stabilization
4.3 Structure files
5 Compiling and installing Qddb
Machine-specific notes
5.2 Problems, bugs, and suggestions
7.1.1 Schemas
6.1 The format
6.2 Complex data: some advice
7 Writing Qddb Applications in Tcl
7.1 Data abstractions
7.1.2 Keylists
7.1.3 Tuples
7.1.4 Rows
7.1.5 An example
7.2 QTcl Commands
7.2.1 Schemas: qddb_schema
7.2.2 Searching and keylists: qddb_search and qddb_keylist
7.2.3 Tuples: qddb_tuple
7.2.4 Rows: qddb_rows
7.2.5 Views: qddb_view
7.2.6 Instances: qddb_instance
7.3 Searching
7.4 Retrieving and displaying rows
7.4.1 Producing rows for display
7.4.2 Updating records
7.4.3 Tuple manipulation by rows
7.5 Importing data from conventional relational databases
7.5.1 Single tables
7.5.2 Multiple tables with a unique key
8 Designing Custom Qddb Interfaces with the Fx Toolkit
8.1 Requirements
8.2 The tools
8.2.1 Fx:Init
8.2.2 Fx_Menubar
8.2.3 Fx_Frame
8.2.4 Fx_Entry
8.2.5 Associating Fx_Frame and Fx_Entry with the Fx_Menubar
8.3 A simple example
8.4 Implementing custom features
8.4.1 Naming itcl_classes, procedures, and global variables
8.4.2 Augmenting/creating menus
8.4.3 Interfacing with the search results
8.4.4 Calculated fields
8.4.5 Generating unique identifiers
8.4.6 Designing an application for a Setup relation
8.5 The design and implementation of
8.5.1 Building a generic screen with Fx
8.5.2 Implementing
's look and feel
Vertical scrolling and resizable windows
Fixed-width entry boxes
About this document ...
0.1 Copyright and Warranty
0.2 Acknowledgments
Herrin Software Development, Inc.