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3.1 Adding an entry

   To add new entries, follow these steps:

  1. Go to ``Add Mode''; click the ``Modes/Add Mode'' menubutton.
  2. Enter the appropriate information.
  3. Choose File/Save to store the new information.

When nxqddb first appears, you will be placed in ``Search Mode'', the default mode. In order to add an entry, you must first get into ``Add Mode''. To tell nxqddb to switch to ``Add Mode'', click the ``Modes/Add Mode'' menubutton from the menubar. You'll know you are in add mode when the status bar(see figure 3.2) displays the add mode message.

Figure 3.2: Add Mode status

3.1.1 Editor keys

  All nxqddb entries uses emacs-style key bindings. See table 3.1 for a list of the nxqddb key bindings.

Table 3.1: Key interpretations

3.1.2 Navigating within Add Mode

 In add mode you can move among the entries by:

  1. pressing the tab or down-arrow keys to move down a field.
  2. pressing the shift-tab or up-arrow keys to move up a field.
  3. left-clicking with the mouse on a field's entry box.

3.1.3 Saving your entry

    Once you have keyed in the information for the record you wish to add, the ``File/Save'' menubar option(see figure 3.3)

Figure 3.3: File Pull-down Menu

becomes enabled. Click this menubar button to save your entry. nxqddb will save your information and the status bar will be updated to reflect that you've added a record(see figure 3.4).

Figure 3.4: Service saved status message

Additionally, the window will be prepared for your next entry.

3.1.4 Exiting Add Mode

Once you've entered your record(s), you can change to another mode

Figure 3.5: Confirm Save Dialog

by clicking one of the Modes' menubuttons or exit the nxqddb application by choosing the File/Quit menubutton. If you've entered any text while in Add mode, nxqddb will prompt you with a confirmation dialog box(see figure 3.5). This confirmation dialog box serves as a precaution to warn you before leaving Add mode without saving your input. You can choose not to have this dialog box appear by turning on the ``Auto-Save Tuples'' option (see chapter 5.12 for details.)  

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Herrin Software Development, Inc.