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4.4 Customizing a view and/or a search results dialog box

   nxqddb provides the ability for you to customize the look and feel of any expandable field's view dialog box. There are reasonable defaults for all expandable fields; so, you may never need to customize these view dialog boxes. However, if for some reason you have a need to change a particular view box, nxqddb provides a friendly and powerful interface to accomplish your customizations.

You can also customize the search results dialog box. User's find that they customize the search results dialog box more frequently than they do a view dialog box. The techniques to customizing both the view dialog box and the search results dialog box are exactly the same. The only difference between the two is how the configuration is displayed:

You should see a window similar to the one shown in figure 4.5 if you chose to configure the Address view dialog box. And, you should see a window similar to the one shown in figure 4.6 if you clicked the Configure Search Results within the people window. Notice how these two windows are identical except for the contents of the listboxes. Hence, once you learn this one window, you've mastered the technique for configure both the view dialog box and the search results dialog box.

Figure 4.5: Configure view dialog box

Figure 4.6: Configure search results dialog box

From this configuration window, you can specify the following:

Sort Order
You can choose the sorting order of the displayed rows.

Ascending or Descending
You can specify the field to be sorted Ascending or Descending.

Fields to Print
You can choose which fields to display in the view dialog box. Some expandable items may contain many fields; hence, you can decide which fields are important for you to view.

Fields not to print
nxqddb provides a Don't Print listbox with all the fields that are currently not being displayed in the view dialog box. You can easily move fields from this listbox to the Print listbox and vice versa.

You can specify the maximum width of each column. If you specify a zero width, nxqddb will automatically set the column width to the widest field value. By setting a reasonable width, you can avoid having view dialog boxes that are too wide for your screen.

You can tell nxqddb to left or right justify the field values within the column.

By default, nxqddb uses the space character to separate the field values. However, you can tell nxqddb to use a different character if you so desire.

You can tell nxqddb not to sort the rows in the view dialog box.

Read/Write from file
You can tell nxqddb to read a previously saved configuration or write a new configuration to a file.

4.4.1 Sorting

 You can specify the sort order of the fields displayed in the view box. To rearrange the sort order, click the field that you want to be sorted first. The field will become highlighted.

Figure 4.7: Configure view dialog box arrows

Now, simply click on the blue arrows to position the field at the top of the list box.

Blue arrows are active; grey arrows are inactive. To make an arrow active, you must first select a row from the appropriate listboxes. To make the up and down arrows active(or blue), choose a row from the Sort by listbox. To make the left and right arrows active, choose a row from the Print and Don't Print listboxes, respectively.

nxqddb sorts the rows in the view dialog box based on the position of the field in the list box. For example, in figure 4.8, nxqddb will first sort on Date Due, then Code, Description, Number of reminders sent and finally Last Done.

Figure 4.8: Ascending or Descending sort order

Each field can be sorted in either ascending or descending order. By default, a field will be sorted in ascending order. To toggle to ascending or descending, click the appropriate radiobutton as shown in figure 4.8.

4.4.2 Printing

You can specify what fields you want to display in the view box; the display fields are those fields that are listed in the Print listbox.

4.4.3 Adding a display field to the view dialog box

To display a field in the view dialog box, do the following:

  1. From the Don't Print listbox, select the desired field. The field will become highlighted and the disabled grey left arrow will become blue highlighted.
  2. Click the blue left arrow. At this point, the field will be removed from the Don't Print listbox and added to the Print listbox.
  3. Click the Ok button to save your results.

4.4.4 Removing a field from the view dialog box

To remove a field from being displayed in the view dialog box, do the following:

  1. From the Print listbox, select the desired field to be removed from the view dialog box. The field will become highlighted and the right arrow will become blue highlighted.
  2. Click the blue right arrow. At this point, the field will be removed from the Print listbox and added to the Don't Print listbox.
  3. Click the Ok button to save your results.

4.4.5 Choosing the width of a column in the view dialog box

You can choose the width of each field. A zero width informs nxqddb to make the column width large enough to display the widest field value. Zero is the default width; however, you can change this width by entering a number in the width entry (see figure 4.9).

Figure 4.9: Column Justification

4.4.6 Choosing left or right justification

The Justify radiobuttons allow you to justify the values in each column to be aligned on the left or right column margin. For example, for currency fields such as balance, you would likely choose right justification. Most other fields would likely be left justified. For this reason, the default is for fields to be left justified. To specify a field justification:

  1. Choose a field in the Print listbox. The Justify label will become blue highlighted to let you know that you can now click on either the left or right radio button.
  2. Click the Left radiobutton to left justify the field; or, choose the Right radiobutton to right justify the field.
  3. Click the Ok button to save your results.

4.4.7 Choosing a column separator

By default, nxqddb separates the columns in the view dialog box with a blank space. By using a space character, the view dialog box columns are easier to read. However, if for some reason you would like to choose a different separator, follow these simple steps:

  1. Choose a field in the Print listbox. The Separator label will become blue highlighted to let you know that you can now enter a separator character in the entry.
  2. Enter a separator character in the entry.
  3. Click the Ok button to save your results.

4.4.8 Reading/Writing Configuration Files

  You can store your expandable field view dialog configuration(s) to files. Storing configuration files is useful if you change your view dialog box setup frequently.

For example, suppose you have setup a database for managing your pet information. Perhaps you have 2 ways that you like to view a person's pets. Maybe the first way is to view the Animal Number and Pet Name sorted by the Animal Number. And, the second way is to view the Pet Name, Species and Rabies Tag Number sorted by Tag Number. Each of these two views have different columns and a different sorting order. Rather than setting up a new configuration each time you swap between these two different views, you can store both configurations to a file and read the desired configuration when you need it.

To store a view dialog configuration, click the Write to File button.

Figure 4.10: Read/Write buttons

The standard File Save dialog box will appear as shown in figure 4.11. This window allows you to type a new filename to store the configuration. Or, you can choose an existing configuration file to replace with the new configuration.

The three button operations from this window are:

Saves the current configuration to the filename specified in the Write to file entry.

From this window, you can remove any configuration files that you no longer need. To remove a configuration file, press the Delete button on the Write to file window.

If after pressing the Write to File button, you decide not to save your new configuration, you can cancel your operation by choosing the Cancel button on the Write to file window.

Figure 4.11: Writing a view dialog box configuration file

To read a previously saved configuration, you click the Read from File button. The standard Read from File dialog (see figure 4.12) will be displayed.

Figure 4.12: Reading a previously saved configuration file

From this window, you can select from a list of previously stored configurations. Unlike, the write operation, you must select a configuration file from the listbox. After you've made a selection you click the Select button to retrieve this configuration.

The three button operations from this window are:

Reads the selected configuration file and updates the configuration to match these settings.
From this window, you can remove any configuration files that you no longer need. To remove a configuration file, press the Delete button on the Write to file window.

If after pressing the Read from File button you decide not to save your new configuration, you can cancel your operation by choosing the Cancel button on the Write to file window.

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