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2 The Language

QddbScript has a format similar to HTML[2], but it uses square brackets ([]) instead of <> to denote the beginning and end of a command. All command names are case insensitive. Some QddbScript commands such as frame require end markers:

    [end frame]

Other commands, such as entry, require certain options for proper operation of the script. Unrecognized or invalid options are always ignored, as well as any part of a line after a pound sign (#) not within a string. Semicolons that are not within a string are also ignored, so you can freely place them anywhere you like to add clarity to your script.

The current general commands and their options are listed in Table 2.1. Strings may be one of the following forms:

Alphanumeric strings (periods ok) starting with alpha
``any valid string \verb+\"+ goes here'' Double quoted string
{any valid string } goes here} String within curly braces

Option frame entry text radiobutton label notebook tab code
attr=STRING (attr name) opt req req req no no no no
value=STRING no no no req no no no req
label=STRING opt opt opt opt opt no opt no
labelwidth=INT (chars) opt opt opt opt opt no no no
width=INT (chars) no opt opt opt opt no no no
height=INT (chars) no no opt opt opt no no no
relief=STRING opt opt opt opt opt no no no
border=INT (pixels) opt opt opt opt opt no no no
side=STRING opt opt opt opt opt no no no
padx=INT (mm) opt opt opt opt opt no no no
pady=INT (mm) opt opt opt opt opt no no no
ipadx=INT (mm) opt opt opt opt opt no no no
ipady=INT (mm) opt opt opt opt opt no no no
underline=INT (char \#) no no no no no no opt no
expand opt opt opt opt opt no no no
noexpand opt opt opt opt opt no no no
end marker req no no no no req req no

Table 2.1: QddbScript commands and options

The options attr, relief, and side require certain values. attr requires a valid attribute name for the Qddb schema (such as Items.Qty). relief must be one of flat, raised, sunken, or groove. The default relief is flat. side must be one of left, right, top, or bottom. The default side is top for frames and left for entries, text, labels, and radiobuttons.


Herrin Software Development, Inc.