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2.2 Fx Widgets

QddbScript requires that all Fx-based widgets reside between [prologue] and [epilogue] statements. Automatically generated QddbScript uses fixed-width entries (four per row). Structured and expandable attributes are indented so the structure is easily seen by users.

The basic structure of a QddbScript consists of a set of rows (frames), each of which may contain a set of columns or nested rows. Each column in a row may contain entries, text boxes, or radiobuttons bound directly to attributes. For example, the GUI produced by our modified QddbScript consists of rows and columns as shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Breakdown of GUI produced with the modified QddbScript

A single cell is represented by an Fx_Entry. An Fx_Entry is a Tk frame (say $w) consisting of a subframe ($w.f_0), a label ($w.f_0.l), buttons if the attribute is expandable ($w.f_0.b_add, $w.f_0.b_view, and $w.f_0.b_del), and an entry ($w.e)gif.

Herrin Software Development, Inc.